Thursday, May 19, 2011

About 'banyak'

The word 'banyak' which means 'many' in English poses problems to users of the Malay language. Some say that it cannot be used for describing people. There are some who insists that is is an adjective but most people use it as 'kata bilangan'.

In the latest edition of 'Tatabahasa Dewan', the word is now classified under 'adjektif' and 'kata bilangan'. According to Kamus Dewan, 'banyak' can be used for people too.

Let me show readers its usage through sentences and explanation. Look at the following sentences and explanation.

1 Banyak buku yang dimiliknyai. [Many books are owned by him.]
Explanation: In sentence 1, 'banyak' is used as an adjektive. In fact the above sentence is a 'ayat songsang' [reverse sentence] The 'ayat biasa' for the sentence is
Buku yang dimilikinya [Subjek] banyak [Predikat] [This is normal sentence]

Banyak [Predikat] buku yang dimilikinya [Subjek] [This is reverse sentence]

2 Banyak orang berkunjung ke taman bunga itu. [Many people frequent the botanical garden.]
Explanation: In sentence 2, 'banyak' is used as a 'kata bilangan'.

3 Banyak pelajar yang gagal dalam peperiksaan itu. [Many students failed in the exam.]
Explanation: In sentence 3, 'banyak' is used as an adjective. It is a 'ayat songsang'

4 Banyak barang dijual di kedai ini. [Many things are sold in this shop.]
Explanation: In this sentence, 'banyak' is used as a 'kata bilangan'.

Hence you see, if put 'yang' after the phrase 'banyak + thing / person',then it is used as an adjective. If it is used without the conjunction 'yang', then 'banyak' is used as a 'kata bilangan'

So much for knowing the parts of speech for 'banyak'

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