Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to use 'bazirkan', 'membazir' and 'membazirkan' correctly

Students often gets confused when it comes to the use of 'bazirkan', 'membazir' and 'membazirkan'. Hence, I shall deal with their correct usage in this post.

1 The transitive verb 'bazirkan' is used in Ayat Kehendak (Command). An example is the one shown below:
Jangan bazirkan air semasa mandi. [Don't waste water while bathing.]

2 The intransitive verb 'membazir' can be used in Ayat Penyata (Statement) or Ayat Kehendak (Command). Look at how this word is used in the following sentences.
a) Jangan membazir semasa menggunakan air. [Don't waste when using water.]
b) Adik suka membazir semasa menggunakan air. [My brother likes to be wasteful when using water.]

3 The transitive verb 'membazirkan' is used in a statement. For example, you can construct a sentence such as the one below:
Johari suka membazirkan air semasa mencuci keretanya. [Johari likes to waste water when washing his car.]

In short, you must know the parts of speech of the three words to be able to construct your sentences correctly.

1 'bazirkan' needs an object such as 'air' (water), 'elektrik' (electricity) and 'kertas' (paper) and is only used in a command.

2 'membazir' needs no object and can be used in a 'Ayat Penyata' (statement) or in a 'Ayat Kehendak' (command).

3 'membazirkan' needs an object and can only be use in a 'Ayat Penyata' (statement).

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